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United Arab Emirates (+971) AE
Afghanistan (+93) AF
Albania (+355) AL
Algeria (+213) DZ
American Samoa (+1684) AS
Andorra (+376) AD
Angola (+244) AO
Anguilla (+1264) AI
Antarctica (+672) AQ
Antigua and Barbuda (+1268) AG
Argentina (+54) AR
Armenia (+374) AM
Aruba (+297) AW
Australia (+61) AU
Austria (+43) AT
Azerbaijan (+994) AZ
Bahamas (+1242) BS
Bahrain (+973) BH
Bangladesh (+880) BD
Barbados (+1246) BB
Belarus (+375) BY
Belgium (+32) BE
Belize (+501) BZ
Benin (+229) BJ
Bermuda (+1441) BM
Bhutan (+975) BT
Bolivia (+591) BO
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba (+599) BQ
Bosnia Herzegovina (+387) BA
Botswana (+267) BW
Brazil (+55) BR
British Indian Ocean Territory (+246) IO
British Virgin Islands (+1284) VG
Brunei Darussalam (+673) BN
Bulgaria (+359) BG
Burkina Faso (+226) BF
Burundi (+257) BI
Cambodia (+855) KH
Cameroon (+237) CM
Canada (+1) CA
Cape Verde (+238) CV
Cayman Islands (+1345) KY
Central African Republic (+236) CF
Chad (+235) TD
Chile (+56) CL
China (+86) CN
Christmas Island (+61) CX
Cocos Islands (+61) CC
Colombia (+57) CO
Comoros (+269) KM
Cook Islands (+682) CK
Costa Rica (+506) CR
Croatia (+385) HR
Cuba (+53) CU
Curacao (+599) CW
Cyprus (+357) CY
Czech Republic (+420) CZ
Democratic Republic of the Congo (+243) CD
Denmark (+45) DK
Djibouti (+253) DJ
Dominica (+1767) DM
Dominican Republic (+1849) DO
East Timor (+670) TL
Ecuador (+593) EC
Egypt (+20) EG
El Salvador (+503) SV
Equatorial Guinea (+240) GQ
Eritrea (+291) ER
Estonia (+372) EE
Eswatini (+268) SZ
Ethiopia (+251) ET
Falkland Islands (+500) FK
Faroe Islands (+298) FO
Fiji (+679) FJ
Finland (+358) FI
France (+33) FR
French Guiana (+594) GF
French Polynesia (+689) PF
Gabon (+241) GA
Gambia (+220) GM
Georgia (+995) GE
Germany (+49) DE
Ghana (+233) GH
Gibraltar (+350) GI
Greece (+30) GR
Greenland (+299) GL
Grenada (+1473) GD
Guadeloupe (+590) GP
Guam (+1671) GU
Guatemala (+502) GT
Guernsey (+441481) GG
Guinea (+224) GN
Guinea-Bissau (+245) GW
Guyana (+592) GY
Haiti (+509) HT
Heard Island and McDonald Islands (+672) HM
Honduras (+504) HN
Hong Kong (+852) HK
Hungary (+36) HU
Iceland (+354) IS
India (+91) IN
Indonesia (+62) ID
Iran (+98) IR
Iraq (+964) IQ
Ireland (+353) IE
Isle of Man (+441624) IM
Israel (+972) IL
Italy (+39) IT
Ivory Coast (+225) CI
Jamaica (+1876) JM
Japan (+81) JP
Jersey (+441534) JE
Jordan (+962) JO
Kazakhstan (+7) KZ
Kenya (+254) KE
Kiribati (+686) KI
Kosovo (+383) XK
Kuwait (+965) KW
Kyrgyzstan (+996) KG
Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (+856) LA
Latvia (+371) LV
Lebanon (+961) LB
Lesotho (+266) LS
Liberia (+231) LR
Libya (+218) LY
Liechtenstein (+423) LI
Lithuania (+370) LT
Luxembourg (+352) LU
Macau (+853) MO
Madagascar (+261) MG
Malawi (+265) MW
Malaysia (+60) MY
Maldives (+960) MV
Mali (+223) ML
Malta (+356) MT
Marshall Islands (+692) MH
Martinique (+596) MQ
Mauritania (+222) MR
Mauritius (+230) MU
Mayotte (+262) YT
Mexico (+52) MX
Micronesia (+691) FM
Moldova (+373) MD
Monaco (+377) MC
Mongolia (+976) MN
Montenegro (+382) ME
Montserrat (+1664) MS
Morocco (+212) MA
Mozambique (+258) MZ
Myanmar (+95) MM
Namibia (+264) NA
Nauru (+674) NR
Nepal (+977) NP
Netherlands (+31) NL
New Caledonia (+687) NC
New Zealand (+64) NZ
Nicaragua (+505) NI
Niger (+227) NE
Nigeria (+234) NG
Niue (+683) NU
Norfolk Island (+672) NF
North Korea (+850) KP
Northern Mariana Islands (+1670) MP
Norway (+47) NO
Oman (+968) OM
Pakistan (+92) PK
Palau (+680) PW
Palestinian Territory, Occupied (+970) PS
Panama (+507) PA
Papua New Guinea (+675) PG
Paraguay (+595) PY
Peru (+51) PE
Philippines (+63) PH
Pitcairn (+64) PN
Poland (+48) PL
Portugal (+351) PT
Puerto Rico (+1787) PR
Qatar (+974) QA
Republic of Macedonia (+389) MK
Republic of the Congo (+242) CG
Reunion (+262) RE
Romania (+40) RO
Russia (+7) RU
Rwanda (+250) RW
Saint Barthelemy (+590) BL
Saint Helena (+290) SH
Saint Martin (+590) MF
Samoa (+685) WS
San Marino (+378) SM
Sao Tome and Principe (+239) ST
Saudi Arabia (+966) SA
Senegal (+221) SN
Serbia (+381) RS
Seychelles (+248) SC
Sierra Leone (+232) SL
Singapore (+65) SG
Sint Maarten (+1721) SX
Slovakia (+421) SK
Slovenia (+386) SI
Solomon Islands (+677) SB
Somalia (+252) SO
South Africa (+27) ZA
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (+500) GS
South Korea (+82) KR
South Sudan (+211) SS
Spain (+34) ES
Sri Lanka (+94) LK
St. Christopher (St. Kitts) Nevis (+1869) KN
St. Lucia (+1758) LC
St. Pierre and Miquelon (+508) PM
St. Vincent and The Grenadines (+1784) VC
Sudan (+249) SD
Suriname (+597) SR
Svalbard and Jan Mayen (+47) SJ
Sweden (+46) SE
Switzerland (+41) CH
Syrian Arab Republic (+963) SY
Taiwan (+886) TW
Tajikistan (+992) TJ
Tanzania (+255) TZ
Thailand (+66) TH
Togo (+228) TG
Tokelau (+690) TK
Tonga (+676) TO
Trinidad and Tobago (+1868) TT
Tunisia (+216) TN
Turkey (+90) TR
Turkmenistan (+993) TM
Turks and Caicos Islands (+1649) TC
Tuvalu (+688) TV
Uganda (+256) UG
Ukraine (+380) UA
United Kingdom (+44) GB
United States (+1) US
United States Minor Outlying Islands (the) (+246) UM
Uruguay (+598) UY
US Virgin Islands (+1340) VI
Uzbekistan (+998) UZ
Vanuatu (+678) VU
Vatican (+379) VA
Venezuela (+58) VE
Vietnam (+84) VN
Western Sahara (+212) EH
Yemen (+967) YE
Yugoslavia (+38) YU
Zaire (+243) ZR
Zambia (+260) ZM
Zimbabwe (+263) ZW
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